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ms planner

Task management with MS Planner

At PlanAxion, as we said in a previous article, we have set up training lunches. We want to provide our team members with the tools they need to simplify their daily lives. It is with this in mind that we called upon the services of Antoine Dubois to provide us with training on the MS…

What is a cyber attack?

What is a cyber attack?

Cyber attacks are actions carried out by hackers. They aim to damage a system, access confidential information or collect money. A cyber attack has different faces, and for this reason, it is essential to set up a secure work environment to protect yourself from potential risks. Hacking is often done in a subtle way. Would…

cybersecurity when teleworking

How to ensure cybersecurity for companies offering teleworking?

Teleworking is an increasingly common practice. Companies are making it more accessible to their employees; it’s a sign of trust, social benefit, and contributes to work-family balance. All reasons are good to integrate telework into a company. However, this practice can only be considered alongside a major factor: cybersecurity. You must take the time to…

Getting rid of uncertainties

Getting Rid of Uncertainties

Managing the risks by getting rid of uncertainties is a skill all project managers should have. The project manager must identify possible risks involved in a project and implement actions that will allow a better control during the realization of the project. The actions that must be taken will be established with decision-making.   Getting…

Oracle Cloud Certification

How to get the Oracle Cloud Certification and What are its Advantages?

In the United States and in Canada, cloud computing has been used for several years. In Quebec, businesses are slowly starting to integrate cloud computing applications to their operations. The successful implementation of such system requires the help of a certified specialist so that all functions of the application are optimized and that the configuration…

What is Yammer?

What is Yammer?

Yammer is an internal social network owned by Microsoft. Designed for businesses (85% of Fortune 500 companies use this social tool!), it is used to share news, ads, and photos within a community of employees.   Facebook for businesses This social network is often compared to Facebook for businesses where interactions between colleagues are encouraged.…